The world today is full of people who are trying so hard to live their best lives while trying to accommodate the wishes and expectations of people outside of themselves.
This kind of outside-in living is exactly the opposite of what we should all be doing.
The fact is, we all came into this world knowing exactly who we are and what we are here for. But we allowed the conditioning of our care-givers and our society at large to confuse our knowing, so that after a number of years, we came to wonder what happened to all that happiness and success we were promised. At the same time, we lost the adventurous spirit of our youth, and we began to see all of life as a struggle.
Well, it's high time we remembered the truth of who we really are, don't you think?
In this episode, my guest Scott Holmes and I introduce you to the concept of MagnifEssence, and help you to learn (or actually, remember) enough about the idea so that you can begin to embrace, experience and express the deepest truth of who you really are.
Check out the recording, and remember to leave a comment in the space below!
Episode Guest

Scott Holmes is a Reiki Master, Polarity Therapist, RYSE Practitioner, Theta Healer Practitioner, and Author who empowers clients to transform and grow through multiple modalities with a combination of light, deep touch, sound, intention and crystals.
As an Air Force ‘brat’ in off base housing who moved eight times in eight years, Scott experienced change as an ever present component of his early life. This has served him well in the spiritual and healing journey he’s been on for the past few years of his life.