Life Mastery Essentials

Course Instructor
David D McLeod, DD, PhD, CMLC
As a certified master life coach with a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences and a DD in Holistic Personal Coaching, David creates and shares powerful life mastery tools which enable adult men and women to transcend triggers, challenges, and obstacles so that they can express and experience the fullness of who they really are and thereby manifest truly magnificent and fulfilling lives.
I Wish I Had an Owner's Manual!
Did you ever reflect on your life and say to yourself, “How on earth did things turn out this way? It’s certainly not my idea of a terrific life!”
Did you ever wish for some kind of instruction guide or owner’s manual that would help you troubleshoot and fix every problem you thought you had?
Did you ever look at someone else's life and say, "I want some of that"?
If you said "Yes" to any of these questions, rest assured you're not alone. Sooner or later everyone wishes for something better!
Introducing Life Mastery Essentials, a course designed to help you up-level your game and get yourself back on track.
Based on David's authoritative and life-altering book A Life to Die For. (Available here.)
Course Components
Here is an overview of what you receive in this amazing course!
10 Key Skills
Learn about the 10 Key Skills of Life Mastery, and the one central foundational element that supports them all.
Guidance and Wisdom
Learn how to bring each skill more prominently into your life, and to maximize its power for both healing and growth..
Video & Transcript
In each lesson, receive a teaching video coupled with a written transcript you can read independently or use to follow the video.
Journal & Quiz
Take advantage of probing, open-ended questions to prompt yourself in journaling what you learn. Then let use the quiz to provide feedback on how well you understand the material.
Free E-Book
Receive free access to the related E-Book, Life Mastery in a Nutshell.
The Flower of Life Mastery

The Flower of Life Mastery is a visual representation of the cyclical nature of the 10 key Life Mastery skills, all supported at the center by the one primary Base Camp skill.
As you master one skill, you naturally progress to the next, in a circular manner, increasing your proficiency exponentially at each visit.
In addition, each cycle helps you to gain a deeper and more visceral experience of your connection to the all-pervasive field of Gratitude, and your life becomes even more fulfilling in the process.
At the completion of the course, you receive another great gift, the Life Mastery Mantra, that provides you with one more powerful way to inspire and motivate yourself, moment-by-moment, to create the life of your deepest heart's desire!
Member Level Pricing

No Discount
$ 197

10% Off
$ 177

25% Off
$ 147

50% Off
$ 98